Announcement: Gattaca Partners with IR35Pro to help Clients Turn IR35 into a Competitive Advantage

Should I Take a Contract Inside IR35?

I’m frequently asked this question by self-employed contractors since the IR35 reforms in April last year. In truth, the only person that can really answer the question is the contractor themself, each and every individual’s circumstances are different. In my view, it’s difficult to make a strong case for working inside IR35 vs permanent roles. […]

Even the Government Owes Itself Money Over IR35

Yes, the government owes itself money over IR35 to the tune of £263m. Since the change in the IR35 rules, many more businesses and organisations have had issues. These vary wildly – there are organisations taking a blanket approach that everyone doing any work is now an employee. There are businesses employing contractors but only if […]

Workers Under Umbrella Companies Perceive They Are Wrongly Categorised

IR35 reform has led to a great many changes in the world of contract work. Some of these may be for the better, but others are a thorn in the side to contractors. A recent IPSE poll of contractors found out something startling though. That almost 70% of contractors within the poll, only use an […]

HMRC’s Investigation of Boox Relating to MSCs is Slammed by the Organisation

Back in the depths of 2007, HMRC had somewhat lost control of contractor pay. Many had moved to Managed Service Companies or MSCs which generally led to paying much less National Insurance and Tax, legally. Reforming this area was clearly going to be a challenge. So, they didn’t, they simply decided just to scrap the […]

HMRC’s Big Wins on IR35 Lead to Unrest

Anyone with half an eye on IR35 news at the moment will see multiple stories filtering through. These relate to HMRC’s big wins in IR35, challenging those it feels have incorrect assessment under IR35. Case #1: Talksport presenter, Paul Hawksbee The most recent of these is the £140,000 tax case against Talksport presenter Paul Hawksbee. […]

Companies House will bring change for limited companies – be ready

Change is coming – the main question is when. This time, the change comes from Companies House. These will be in relation to limited companies, quite specifically. These changes have been in the pipeline for quite some time. As we have previously mentioned, there are various issues around Companies House such as those relating to […]

The Ongoing Impact of IR35 for Businesses

When the IR35 rules changed in April 2021, this signalled a significant shift for medium and large businesses.  This is one that many are still getting to grips with a year down the line. It is easy to imagine that hiring contractors off-payroll would be easy. Yet, the new rules brought a modification to the […]

HMRC IR35 Enquiries: Why an SDS is No Defence

HMRC IR35 enquiries are becoming more prevalent, and an Status Determination Statement (SDS) won’t be enough for companies to successfully defend themselves. Here’s a fascinating statistic to share: On the numerous occasions I’ve been engaged to review contracts for assignments that the automated ‘tools’ (CEST or otherwise) have determined fall outside IR35, only 5% would […]

Withholding Contractor Holiday Pay: JSA Respond To Allegations

witholding contractor holiday pay

Allegations of JSA withholding contractor holiday pay surfaced in December 2020, but was there any truth to them? To find out, our Chief Legal Officer, Martyn Valentine investigated: The Allegation: JSA, an umbrella company providing contractor accountancy and payment solutions, withheld and more importantly, kept, the holiday pay of one of their contractors. Who Are JSA? This […]