Announcement: Gattaca Partners with IR35Pro to help Clients Turn IR35 into a Competitive Advantage

Companies House will bring change for limited companies – be ready

Change is coming – the main question is when. This time, the change comes from Companies House. These will be in relation to limited companies, quite specifically. These changes have been in the pipeline for quite some time. As we have previously mentioned, there are various issues around Companies House such as those relating to […]

The Ongoing Impact of IR35 for Businesses

When the IR35 rules changed in April 2021, this signalled a significant shift for medium and large businesses.  This is one that many are still getting to grips with a year down the line. It is easy to imagine that hiring contractors off-payroll would be easy. Yet, the new rules brought a modification to the […]

HMRC IR35 Enquiries: Why an SDS is No Defence

HMRC IR35 enquiries are becoming more prevalent, and an Status Determination Statement (SDS) won’t be enough for companies to successfully defend themselves. Here’s a fascinating statistic to share: On the numerous occasions I’ve been engaged to review contracts for assignments that the automated ‘tools’ (CEST or otherwise) have determined fall outside IR35, only 5% would […]

Managing IR35: Are you more exposed than you realise?


In recent months I’ve taken on a number of large clients that previously decided managing IR35 internally was the best course of action, following the April 2021 changes. They’ve all recognised that the self-employed contractor workforce is an integral part of their business, that they need to adapt to work outside IR35 compliantly with them, […]

Spring Budget Increases Costs for Clients Using Umbrella Companies

So what did the Spring budget deliver this year? As widely reported, the planned increase in National Insurance contributions will proceed from 6 April 2022 despite inflationary pressures. Employee’s National Insurance contributions will increase from 12% to 13.25% while employer’s National Insurance contributions will increase from 13.8% to 15.05% to help fund increased expenditure on […]

The legal reasons why IR35 can be 100% risk free for hiring companies

It’s very possible for your Company to hire Ltd company Contractors entirely risk and liability free. I’ll explain the simple legal reasons how. Firstly, I ought to caveat the above statement by adding ‘providing IR35 is managed correctly’. IR35 is no different to any other area of Law, if you don’t have the depth of […]

5 Reasons IR35 Can Actually Save Your Company £millions

IR35 Company Cost Savings

When I became a Legal Professional decades ago, I was passionate about the complexity of IR35. I chose to specialise exclusively on this Tax law, a desire to become the UK’s legal authority on the subject. To achieve this, it has taken 15 years of specialism, servicing over 2,000 Clients, 6000+ Contracts, and successfully representing […]