Should I Take a Contract Inside IR35?

I’m frequently asked this question by self-employed contractors since the IR35 reforms in April last year. In truth, the only person that can really answer the question is the contractor themself, each and every individual’s circumstances are different. In my view, it’s difficult to make a strong case for working inside IR35 vs permanent roles. […]
Spring Budget Increases Costs for Clients Using Umbrella Companies

So what did the Spring budget deliver this year? As widely reported, the planned increase in National Insurance contributions will proceed from 6 April 2022 despite inflationary pressures. Employee’s National Insurance contributions will increase from 12% to 13.25% while employer’s National Insurance contributions will increase from 13.8% to 15.05% to help fund increased expenditure on […]
5 Reasons IR35 Can Actually Save Your Company £millions

When I became a Legal Professional decades ago, I was passionate about the complexity of IR35. I chose to specialise exclusively on this Tax law, a desire to become the UK’s legal authority on the subject. To achieve this, it has taken 15 years of specialism, servicing over 2,000 Clients, 6000+ Contracts, and successfully representing […]
How ‘Inside IR35’ Is Costing Your Company £Millions, Without You Even Realising

In this short article, I’m going to explain why you may not be aware that IR35 is currently costing your Company £millions, and how you save these additional costs, back to your bottom line. I have over 17 years as a specialist IR35 Lawyer, I will also explain why companies misunderstand IR35 and their perceived […]